Plunger Coffee
Brew Guides

Plunger Coffee

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A straightforward approach to brewing a rich and flavorful cup of coffee using a plunger (French press). This guide covers three essential steps:

1. Grinding & Measuring

  • Grind Size: Use a coarse grind, similar to cracked pepper.
  • Dose: Measure 6g of coffee per 100ml of water.

2. Brewing

  • Saturation: Start by pouring hot water just off the boil. Pour vigorously to saturate the coffee grounds. Wetting the grounds quickly allows for even extraction and a better flavour outcome. You may wish to stir with a spoon.
  • Brew Time: You have to be patient here. Immersion brewing needs water contact time. Let it brew for 5 minutes at least. If you encounter resistance when plunging, extend the brew time.
  • Plunge: Slowly press the plunger down.

3. Evaluating Taste

  • Under Extracted: May taste hollow, thin, or sour. Increase your brew water contact time or fine up your grind a little
  • Over Extracted: Taste could be salty, bitter, or astringent. Coarse up that grind a little or shorten the brew water contact time
  • Adjustments: Tweak grind size or brew time based on taste. One variable at a time.
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